ETF List

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are funds that offer the chance to trade a wide range of shares or bonds across the whole market. ETF’s trade on the stock exchange meaning anyone can buy or sell them during the trading day.

Vanguard is one of the most famous companies and is known for pioneering the low-cost index tracker products that are now so popular amongst the FIRE community.

There are other products available from different companies such as iShares (run by Blackrock), and HSBC too, so I’ve made a list of a few options to get you started. I am not recommending any of these (although I do own some of them) so you should do independent research before investing yourself.

ETF list

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How do I buy an ETF?

You need to have a broker account set up to buy these. They are available on the stock market, and you can buy them like you’d buy any other share. Search the stock ticker ID, and it should come up.

Do you want to get a free stock share worth up to ‎£⁠100?

Create a Trading 212 Invest account using this link and we both get a free share!