Changing my relationship with a close friend

Let me tell you a love story. It’s about the longest relationship I’ve had in my life outside of my family. It’s about a close friend who would join me at parties, weddings and celebrations. It’s about a close friend who was always there for me when I felt down, anxious or sad. It’s about a close friend who would, on the surface, make me happy. However this same friend was causing significant damage to my health, causing poor performance at work, and upsetting my relationship with those who were close to me. Incase you hadn’t guessed it, my close … Continue reading Changing my relationship with a close friend

September – a month of sorrow

September 2022 was a momentous month. First we had a new Prime Minister and shortly after she was appointed, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away. As a nation we always knew that this would happen but nothing really can prepare you for what would come. I am not a die hard Royalist but I was surprised at how sad I found it. I think if you’ve lost someone close, in my case my father, an event like this brings up a lot of emotions. Anyway she had a good life and I thank her for her service. Long live … Continue reading September – a month of sorrow